My issue lies with the UNLAWFUL, HORRIFIC, SADISTIC, INHUMANE Treatment of our INNOCENT wild life! Our lion population is at a very serious stage of decline! Mainly due to the cruelest animal on earth, Humans! MY goal is to be a voice for them and I want to VOLUNTEER myself to aid in helping in anyway I can! It is in my soul and I feel at this point in my life it is what I'm here for! To help save and care for our lions, well basically all our wildlife that is being slaughtered! My soul does lie mainly with lions but will help and fight for any living, mistreated creature! My souls goal and need is to volunteer in South Africa. A place where they truly need volunteers due to the overwhelming expense it takes to keep these lions alive! MY payment would be the privilege and satisfaction of knowing I had a part in making a difference in the lives of these magnificent creatures regardless of their unfortunate past! I can't put into words how much I it would mean to me and to the lives of the animals that I could be honored in getting the chance to help them LIVE the life they were given to live! Of course everything comes down to money. I don't have enough saved yet to travel that distance and to sustain myself for two or more years. IT'S unfortunate because I don't want the money for myself personaly, I just need enough to get there. I would like to inquire if there are any options out there for assistance in these situations. I would definitely pay it forward! I pray to God each day to help me find a way to help these amazing cats that he graced us with. Basically my connection to this cause is my love for all animals and seeing that they need us to be their voice and my soul is with the lions! Nothing makes me happier or more content than living with animals! I have 5 rescue dogs and only one cat at the moment.
I would love to volunteer for Kevin Richardson, he has dedicated his life so the lions could live theirs! My heart and soul will continue to pray and never give up trying to make this reality!
I would greatly appreciate ANY information on this matter! God Bless and please take a moment and really think about the lions and helping be part of their survival. Thankyou, Sincerely, Sherry Balthrop
Atualização #18 anos atrás
Update on petition : STOP CANNED LION HUNTING! by Sherry Balthrop.
I want to thank each and every one that has signed my petition! , I am so very grateful! You can never have to many signatures so again thankyou for your support and I would like to ask you to forward it on to all of your contacts. WE have almost 600 signatures so far but my first goal is 1000! Please, ban together and help me double that! THANKYOU, Sincerely, Sherry Balthrop!