Stop Presbyterian Homes of Georgia rezone request in Oconee County, GA

Presbyterian Homes of Georgia seeks to locate a large, mixed use, “Continuing Care Retirement Community” on Rocky Branch Road in Oconee County.  The property currently under consideration would require major rezoning to allow for such a high density development in this single family residential area.

Dear Oconee County Board of Commissioners,

We, the signers of this petition, are concerned citizens of Oconee County, GA who urge our leaders to act now to deny the rezoning request for the property located at 2660 ROCKY BRANCH RD Bogart, GA - (also known as Autumn Glen).

This development would negatively impact our neighborhoods and quality of life by:

  • Allowing a high density mixed-use development including:

    • a three-story, 75-unit apartment building

    • a three-story Health Services Center

    • a 400 space lighted parking lot

  • Increasing vehicular traffic thereby posing unnecessary risks to residents, especially our school-aged children

  • Increasing noise levels in this designated residential area

  • Fundamentally changing the character of Rocky Branch Road and surrounding areas in a manner contrary to the Oconee County Joint Comprehensive Plan 2030.

  • Requiring approval of a rezoning request when there are several appropriately zoned properties available in our county which are compatible with a high-density mixed-use development.

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