Impeach Washington State Governor Jay Inslee!

Governor Jay Inslee has been elected into office and has not done anything for Washington State. We are currently experiencing RIOTS in our streets but he has not publicly done or said anything about what is going on except about a racist remark spray painted on a MLK building in Spokane, Inslee keeps on beating around the bush to not stir any conflict up.
Inslee also would like and wants to go through with a state income tax as well. Under Inslee's belt our public schools are not getting funded the way we the tax payers voted for and the state is getting find thousands of dollars a day that it is not funded.
Why should we allow a govenor who is not doing anything for our state sit back, and kick his feet up , collecting a paycheck with our tax payer dollars paying his salary when he's afraid to get his feet wet not doing anything. Inslee is taking credit for creating jobs as well when it was by the work of others. We don't need another Hillary Clinton in our state capital!

Dear Mr Ferguson,  

WE THE PEOPLE of Washington are fed up with the lack of work that our Governor has not done as he sits at his desk earning a paycheck with our tax payers money. Mr Inslee takes credit for things that he has not done like creating jobs, while our state is getting fined thousands of dollars everyday that our schools are not being funded by a price of legislation that the voters passed awhile back. And as well as current riots in our streets he has not done anything or even spoke publicly about it. 

  WE THE PEOPLE urge him to be taken out of office and be impeached as soon as possible. We don't want a Governor who  is not willing to take on the responsibility to take care of the people of our state. We want a Governor who will be for the people over big money. WE HIGHLY AND STONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO IMPEACH GOVERNOR  JAY ROBERT INSLEE. 

Best Regards 

We The People of Washington State

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