Petition to Stop Bill C51

If you've visited the official site then you know it is imperative that you sign this petition and have everyone you know sign it too. This does not stop at just vitamins and supplements but goes beond our freedom to grow oregano in our own back yard - based on what I've read so far, they can walk in your home based on suspicion and TAKE away anything that resembles a vitamin, herb that "could" have a potential health benefit. Even the fact that you may have something as natural as a dandelions on your front yard. Going all the way to exercise equipment needing a prescription!!! What?

Read the "Canadian Rights And Freedoms Are At Risk"
An Important Notice Regarding Bill C-51

The Govenment is not acting in the Canadian's best interest on this one, sign the petition and help stop this Bill:

There should be millions of people wanting to stop this,
Thank you for your support.

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