innocent puppy murdered. please help

Just a few short days ago, an innocent puppy was murdered. I use this term because the way he died was the worst case of animal cruelty that I have ever seen.

The two boys tied the dog with wire around his mouth, throat, and legs. They then kicked the dog in the head to silence him. They pulled him up by the wire around the throat so he couldn't breath. They then stabbed the puppy in the back.

He suffered for five hours before he died. I want justice to be done. They confessed to the crime, and where put in jail with no bond, yet they were released. I have been told they are looking at a 30 day sentence. That is not enough for what they have done.

Please help me be the voice for this poor puppy. Their court date is set for June 13th I hope to have enough signatures by then to make a difference.

The picture is of the puppy before he was killed. It is the brown and white one. I can't post one of after. It is to graphic. 

Dear Judge Moore,
 I have started this petition in hopes that this poor animal finds justice for the actions taken against him. The two boys that commited the crime of animal cruelty should be punished so that they realize what they have done is wrong. I know both of the young men in question, and I hate that they have taken this path, but they need help now before they do something much worse. I have taken it upon myself to be the voice of this dog, and I will not give up until justice has been served. Please help!

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