Don't let Trump chicken out of the debate

  • por: Left Action
  • destinatário: Trump campaign and CNN

The first presidential debate is just days away, and it looks like Donald Trump may chicken out after all. Trump fluffers such as Steve Bannon and Ronnie Jackson are now coming up with all kinds of excuses why Trump should skip them, and even Trump himself is starting to hint that he will bow out.

The Trump campaign appears to have realized they've made a terrible mistake in letting Trump and his pickled brain go on stage and actually be forced to answer questions without a crowd of supporters to whoop and cheer for whatever nonsense he spews (there will be no audience).

They fear he will look like a complete idiot -- and sometimes looks are not deceiving. And they are trying to undo the damage before it happens.

Don't let them get away with it. Add your name, and demand that Trump not chicken out of the debate.

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