Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get a woman in Howell Township convicted of running a puppy mill and keeping her animals in deplorable conditions. The irony is that the woman claims it is not a puppy mill and she did nothing wrong!! Not only should all the animals be removed from this woman's "care," she needs to be severely punished for animal cruelty and abuse along with banning her from ever having any other animals to own, work with or care for.
Ms. Margaret Elaine Komorny of Howell Township in Michigan was confronted for having more than 90 dogs and 20 cats on her premises, living in deplorable, sub-standard conditions. Ms. Komorny claims that this was a kennel and not a puppy mill, stating “Puppy mills, normally, they are raised on wire and they’re stacked up on cages to the ceiling and they’re outdoors,” she explained. “A kennel is totally different than a puppy mill. Mine is a kennel." The 76-year-old owner of Raisin Tree Farm was found with about 90 dogs and 20-21 cats “existing in poor living conditions,” including overcrowded cages stacked on top of each other, feces and urine-soaked cages. The animals lacked veterinary care for medical issues, including one with a “busted eardrum.” And she claims this is not a puppy mill??
This woman fights all these allegations and says she has people coming in each day to clean up after the animals and feeding them three times a day. Well, someone is not doing a good job!! The appalling truth is that this woman was previously convicted but still continues to have animals in her "care." It was also noted that Ms. Komorny boarded 15 other animals at a nearby kennel that were also seized. The animals on the property consisted of many dogs in ill shape, all with matted coats; large dogs, Schnauzers and wheaten terriers ages from 4 weeks or 5 weeks to 5 years or 6 years. Authorities stated that “We are concerned about the overcrowding and the condition of the dogs on the property.”
The woman was previously asked to keep the dogs in single layers, not on top of each other, but she refused to abide by previous warnings. Animal Control officials sought assistance from the U.S. Humane Society in rescuing the animals after increased concern about the welfare of the dogs came to light through multiple reports and visiting the property. They state that “It is heartbreaking to see these animals living in these conditions. If we had strong state laws regulating these large-scale dog-breeding operations, we could put a stop to this unimaginable suffering.”
That is exactly what we need to push for; to get stronger Michigan state laws against these practices. Ms. Komorny needs to be charged a felony for each animal seized and abused. Something needs to change for the protection and well-being of all animals. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get a woman in Howell Township convicted of running a puppy mill and keeping her animals in deplorable conditions. The irony is that the woman claims it is not a puppy mill and she did nothing wrong!! Not only should all the animals be removed from this woman's "care," she needs to be severely punished for animal cruelty and abuse along with banning her from ever having any other animals to own, work with or care for.
Michigan State Legislators and Judicial System - Please enact much stronger state laws regulating these large-scale dog-breeding operations that is putting this poor animals through unimaginable suffering! Along with these laws, ensure they are fully enforced to protect the animals and their well-being. This Ms. Margaret Elaine Komorny needs to be charged to the fullest extent of the law, charging her with a count of felony animal abuse for each and every animal that was taken from her premises. She deserves long jail time, fines for each count of animal cruelty and should never be allowed to own, touch, care for or work with another animal as long as she lives! Be a strong voice for those that cannot stand up for themselves!
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