stop killing the innocent strays in Egypt by calling this euthanasia

  • por: Islam Mahammed
  • destinatário: S.P.A.R.E.- Society for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt president Amina Tharwt Abaza

It was on Decmber 2012 when spare shelter declared that they are following the euthanasia policy with the hopeless cases at the shelter and even for the healthy ones .. they are only give the animals 2 weeks to be re-homed and if they are not adopted the shelter put these innocent animals to sleep .
It is not only the animals at the shelter .. they do this also to strays instead of applying the TNR project (Trap - Neuter - Release) by saying they will be killed anyway either by the government or the people .. by hideously ways such as poisoning, shooting or hitting by cars .

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