Cruise Liners, You Are Supporting This Slaughter In The Faroe Islands!

  • por: Tracy Fowler
  • destinatário: Fred Olsen Cruises, PO Cruises, Cruise and Maritime, Cunard.

The annual Grindstop in the Faroe Islands is a bloody, macabre, slaughter that is repeated year in year out. Just yesterday in the region of 250 Pilot Whales were driven ashore and brutally killed.
The Grind takes place under the protection of the Royal Danish Navy. The Grind and the killing of these sentient beings takes place openly against EU regulations.
The Cetaceans slaughtered during The Grind end their lives in view of Torshavn, where the Cruise Liners disembark their Tourists.
We need to make the Cruise Line operators aware of the industry they are feeding and the mind set of the people of the Faroe Islands.

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