The largest organization in the world, the United Nations, which brings together 193 countries, will be holding its Annual General Meeting between 25 and 27 September this year, when establish the new goals of the post-2015 millennium, ie the goals all member countries will pursue until the year 2030. Since 2000, there have been important advances for humanity, but - even so, the eight proposed objectives 2000-15 were partially achieved (and some important "forgotten" and not persecuted). In environmental issues, almost nothing moved forward and now have over an unpredictable variable climate and the 5th IPCC report pointed out that "man has responsibility for global warming" and climate change consequently. The planet and the life agonize on land, water and air; we see the devastation of forests, habitat depreciation of thousands of life forms; We live with conflict and aggression of all orders, for disarmament issues and focusing on peace even been and are being addressed .. The agreements establishing numbers as goals were never met by the member nations and the devastation, the aggression and the depreciation of the life and the planet follow an inconceivable and uncontrollable progression. We see nature rebel and prove in climate disasters; we see people moving like ants and seals to Europe and to other countries because of internal conflicts and international threats. We believe that we have any chance of future and as humanity, but only if we change the strategies and forms of "development" and on the path of harmony and peace; stopping the aggression and promoting actions for the planet and peace. So if each and every individual on the planet take upon themselves the burden on the key issues. Believing that only a copy of our human species - Homo sapiens (top of the line in the standings among other species), can change everything, if you have the right strategies and rely on the awareness of others. So and always believing it to be possible, we had the idea to send a letter to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon (114 pgs), with a broad argument - does the "mea culpa" of the country we were born (Brazil, which is one of the nations most environmentally friendly) and made the proposition "36 basic principles to be observed by humanity, governments and institutions to compose the document to the new Millennium Development Goals and also the new climate agreement" (this which will be signed in December during the COP 21 in Paris - if countries understand, because at COP 20 this agreement did not come to fruition). In the document titled ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR THE PEACE, we propose the planetary awareness of humanity in harmony and peace axis; through new tools - among them and especially the art (in all its manifestations), sport (which develops human values and promotes peace), science and technology (used in a collaborative and democratic form) tourism (approaching people and provides cultural exchange), spirituality (in all its breadth and beliefs), education and culture and a set of 22 action macro and dozens of activities and events for the realization of this planetary process sensitization and awareness in the years ahead and anticipating the announcement during the days of completion of the UN Assembly.
Our petition is for people to become aware of the document forwarded to the Secretary General and some UN agencies and support this initiative and strengthen his support signing the petition. Also to encourage the generation of other initiatives, for us to take with us the responsibility for the future of the planet and the life that supports it - because we cannot wait and neither trust that governments and institutions will do so. Soon we will be showing the continuity of actions by publishing on the site and blog to be created. We count on your support. Paul Zornitta, Fernando Zornitta, Zornitta Marco, Luca Zornitta, Rafael Zornitta. The forwarding of text can be accessed at:
We hope to contribute through this union, with the establishment of honest and courageous goals redeem humanity's hope in their future and that effectively the 193 nations reach a climate agreement, which it considers fundamental aspects that we point in the document, especially in item 3 and adopt the 22 macro actions, identified in item 2.
- Harmony and peace is what the planet needs to be able to contribute on important issues for humanity, for the planet and for life. If a single person receiving a message of how to stop the barbarity being promoted on the planet in the name of growth - not be known for sure where it is going, has an obligation to spread it in the name of life and the planet that welcomes us. We can not wait for governments and institutions on behalf of alleged democracy - just because elected by the vote - do what they want; allow depreciation of the environment, subjugate his people, promote corruption actions, all while watching helplessly. But we can. Take upon themselves the burden and help change what there is. Help the institutions to be more aware of their role and help to governments. The planet is dying on land, water and sea life and calls for action. So let the action. Spread the word and the new Millennium Development Goals proposed by the UN are permeated by the 36 principles that we propose in the document that you can read and download the link we left and see in item 3. Also the 22 action macro and dozens of activities that we propose to foster global citizenship and help mitigate climate effects and promote peace.
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