Ban Confederate Flags at Bama

  • por: Teryn Shipman
  • destinatário: University of Alabama Board of Trustees and President Stuart R. Bell

It is 2015 and there is still no policy at the University of Alabama specifically banning the confederate flag on campus. I have seen this symbol of hate hanging in dorm rooms, and it feels as if I'm being told: "GO HOME NOW! YOU AREN'T WELCOME HERE!"

The confederate flag on a college campus is disrespectful and demeaning to everyone, but especially students of color. African American students like me shouldn't have to feel unwanted at a school where they are paying the same amount of money as everyone else to attend. 

While the school policy prohibits students from hanging any sort of flag from a residence hall window, it does not specifically ban confederate flags. What's to stop a student from hanging the flag inside their dorm room or waving one while walking around campus?  It is time for the University of Alabama administration to take action and do what is right for ALL of its students.   

Changes need to be made on this campus, and this petition is the first step towards making that change happen. I need the support of people everywhere, not just here at the University of Alabama. Please sign this petition to ban the confederate flag on the campus of the University of Alabama. It is time to #WakeUpBama!

It is 2015 and there is still no policy at the University of Alabama specifically banning the confederate flag on campus. I have seen this symbol of hate hanging in dorm rooms, and it feels as if I'm being told: "GO HOME NOW! YOU AREN'T WELCOME HERE!"

The confederate flag on a college campus is disrespectful and demeaning to everyone, but especially students of color. While the school policy prohibits students from hanging any sort of flag from a residence hall window, it does not ban confederate flags from hanging inside dorm rooms or being waved by students walking around campus. It is time for the University of Alabama administration to take action and do what is right for ALL of its students. 

Ban the confederate flag on the campus of the University of Alabama.

Atualização #29 anos atrás
I have had two meetings with university officials to deliver the petition and discuss race relations at the University of Alabama. While there is still no policy explicitly banning the Confederate flag on campus, I am encouraged by the administration's interest in taking action to break down racial barriers. I will keep you updated on specific policy changes and other concrete actions taken by the university.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Thank you for signing my petition to ban confederate flags on the University of Alabama campus! Because you spoke out, the student hanging a confederate flag in their dorm window was forced to take it down. While the university prohibits hanging any type of flag in windows, it does not explicitly prohibit confederate flags. I am setting up a meeting with administration officials to deliver this petition and discuss an explicit ban on confederate flags.
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