Grey Wolf - Fish and Wildlife Services Keep All Wolves On The Endangered Speices List

  • por: Lawrence Scrima
  • destinatário: President Obama, Head of US Fish and Wildlife Services, Department of Interior, Governors & Legislatures of Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Michigan, Montanna




1.  All dogs are descended from the grey wolf

2.  All wolves originally evolved in North America (now almost extinct in America !)

3.  Wolves have a very positive impact on environment, proven in Yellowstone Park and elsewhere on flora and fauna, kill sick and old in herds, prevent herds from over-grazing

4. Wolves are a big tourist draw

5. Wolves/dogs helped us evolve and are still helping us to survive and understand the natural world

6. First domesticated animal by man, partner in our survival

7.  Livestock kills are rare; dogs more frequently kill livestock than wolves

8.  These magnificent social animals are now being killed at will, often in extremely cruel and dangerous ways, just for the "thrill" of killing. . Allowing such killing promotes psychopathic behavior in our society.

9.  Wolves don't kill for thrills, only to feed themselves and their young.

10.  Without the protection of being on the Endangered Species List, wolves will go extinct in North America.

11.Very aggressive wild boars, which are increasing exponentially and are a definite threat to humans,  pets livestock,, destroy crops and flora, would be best controlled and preyed upon by grey wolves.  Wild Boar, imported from Russia for sport and to enlarge our domestic pigs, are very large and aggressive type used  to varied and even very cold climates, escaped frequently over the last 20 years  and are increasing at fast and uncontrollable rate.  Google wild boar  in USA. They are in California, TX, throughout the south and now in Washington State; Idaho, Montana, Colorado, and Wyoming will be next!  Humans and dogs have not been able to keep up with this infestation, but Grey Wolves could be a big help!

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