Stop Singapore's Wild Boar Cull!

Singapore's National Parks Department recently announced plans to cull the nation's population of wild boars. The Department plans to use powerful crossbows to kill the boars, and may send the animal carcasses to restaurants for meat.

Boars are native to Singapore, and slaughtering boars with crossbows is a cruel and short-term solution to the overpopulation problem. Female boars give birth to four to eight piglets a year, so the population would soon rise to pre-cull levels. There are more humane alternatives to controlling the boar population, including sterilization, relocation and educating the public on how to avoid dangerous encounters with boars.

Please sign the petition to stand against the planned slaughter of Singapore's wild boars.

To: Singapore National Parks Department

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your plans to cull Singapore's population of wild boars. Boars are native to Singapore, and slaughtering boars with crossbows is a cruel and short-term solution to the overpopulation problem. Female boars give birth to four to eight piglets a year, so the population would soon rise to pre-cull levels.

We understand that boars no longer have natural predators, and that they can be dangerous around humans. Having said that, we believe that there are more humane alternatives to controlling the boar population. We urge you to reconsider your plans to kill boars and instead support cruelty-free methods of boar control, including sterilization, relocation and educating the public on how to avoid dangerous encounters with boars. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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