STOP Unnessary Animal Cruelty At The Amarillo Control Center!

  • por: Ashlea Beal
  • destinatário: The Amarillo Animal Control Center

I started this petition to demand an end to the unnecessarily cruel animal killings at the Animal Control Center in Amarillo, Texas.

A recent video reveals the disturbing, cruel animal euthanasia practices at the center. In the video, an officer injects a poor innocent dog in the heart while it's still awake, then drags the confused animal across the floor to sets it down next to other deceased dogs.

The video was disgusting to say the least!

In Amarillo, it's not legal to kill dogs in this manner. The law states that dogs must be euthanized while they are unconscious or anesthetized, so that they don't feel any pain. The Amarillo Control Center didn't even have scales to weigh these dogs so they could determine the proper dosage for their lethal injections!

I know many people who have donated money and items to the shelter to help the poor lost and forgotten souls out there. I am a huge advocate for dogs and I strongly feel that this center needs to change its ways. In addition to complying with the law, this center should stop euthanizing animals altogether, and at the very least give these dogs more than 72 hours to find a home before putting them to sleep!

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