Justice for Campbell Bridges

Campbell Bridges, discoverer of Tsavorite and renowned gemologist was murdered on August 11th, 2009. He was ambushed and killed by known claim jumpers and bandits on his mining concession in Tsavo. Many of the killers names are known and documented, by all the witnesses including such details as their first and last names and pictures; yet with the history of inaction due to the influence of some local politicians there are serious doubts to whether all of the appropriate criminals involved will be apprehended. Much of the Kenyan media is stonewalling the local media coverage and appears to be attempting to bury the story. We need to rally people together to promote this story in major media outlets and demand a US led investigation, since Campbell's wife, daughter, and son are all US citizens. We want the criminals that perpetrated this brought to Justice so that his family can find peace.

We thank you very much for all of your kind words and support.

BBC Coverage is here -


His business homepage is here -


We the undersigned,

Ask for a thorough led investigation into the murder of Campbell Bridges on August 11th, 2009. He was ambushed and killed by known claim jumpers and bandits on his mining concession in Tsavo. His son knows these criminals by first and last name. Campbell Bridges was an important figure to gemological world as well as providing much to the local Kenyan community. We are asking for a proper investigation into the criminals that committed this act. We are seeking justice for the awful crime that has been committed.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, we appreciate your actions.

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