In China, each year they hold a festival know as the Yulin Festival. At this festival they boil and slaughter over 10,000 dogs because it's considered a tradition. They do unspeakable things to these animals such as boiling, and beating dogs. Many dogs are stolen from their homes to be eaten, and then crammed into small cages with no food or water for days.
Many people are unaware this is happening and many know but feel they can't do anything. By signing this you are saying you disagree with this being a festival and agree that it is inhumane! Be a voice to the voiceless, dogs are family not food! donate

Atualização #19 anos atrás
I started a gofundme account as well to send to help with this cause, the money will be used to find these animals homes, and help aid in getting this petition and subject all the way through the Chinese government or any officials. Don't feel like you need to donate, I don't expect this to get money but it sure will help shine a bigger light!
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