Stop Australian Demonisation of Asylum Seekers

Australia has negotiated off-shore solutions to Asylum Seekers attempting to come to Australia in boats which are not seaworthy, and which have already been responsible for many drownings offshore. The latest human rights abuses are the so-called Papua New Guinea and Nauru solutions involving Australia sending  asylum seekers to those countries never permitting them to enter Australia and become citizens here.
Both the Australian Government and its parliamentary Opposition are demonising people fleeing desperate situations in their countries of origin, mainly because of Australian military intervention in those countries.
The total numbers of asylum seekers trying to enter Australia is a miniscule number in terms of refugees and asylum seekers around the world, and most of the people in Australia illegally have arrived by plane!
Australia is signatory to United Nations conventions on refugees but is ignoring these UN documents in its political attempts to stop the demonised "boat people" ever setting foot in Australia.
Help to obtain justice for Asylum Seekers in desperate situations. Stop sending them to Papua New Guinea and Nauru and process them in Australia.

The situation has worsened with the federal government reopening the concentration camps on Nauru and Manus Island.

Get the government to close these camps now.

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