Allow Elon Musk's Employees to Form and Join Labor Unions.

We, the undersigned, employees, supporters, and concerned citizens, respectfully petition Elon Musk to uphold the fundamental rights of his employees to form and join labor unions without interference or retaliation.

We believe that:

Freedom of Association is a Fundamental Right: The right of workers to organize and collectively bargain is a cornerstone of democratic societies and fair labor practices.
Union Representation Benefits Workers: Unions provide workers with a collective voice to negotiate for better wages, benefits, safe working conditions, and job security.
Respect for Workers is Essential: A company's success is built upon the dedication and hard work of its employees. Respecting their rights and fostering a positive work environment is crucial.
Legal Compliance: The National Labor Relations Board has made rulings, and those rulings must be respected.
Therefore, we urge Elon Musk to:

Publicly affirm his commitment to respecting employees' rights to unionize.
Cease any and all anti-union activities within his companies.
Ensure that employees can freely exercise their right to organize without fear of reprisal.
Comply with all National Labor Relations Board rulings.
We believe that fostering a workplace where employees' voices are heard and respected will ultimately benefit both the employees and the companies.

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