Send the Escaped Tiger to a Safe Sanctuary, Not Back to a Negligent Zoo

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Quinta La Fauna Zoo
For nearly a week, a male Bengal tiger named Tony roamed through Reynosa, Mexico as well as South Texas. Before that, he was being held captive at the Quinta La Fauna Zoo in Mexico - a zoo that has been called into question many times for dubious animal welfare practices.

Then, after a week, authorities captured the wild-turned-captive animal in South Texas. Luckily, the frightened animal is still alive and apparently unharmed. But what will become of him now?

It should be sent to a safe sanctuary where he can thrive and live in peace! Sign the petition now!

Animals like this tiger deserve to live in environments that meet their complex needs, not in facilities where their safety is compromised. The fact that a tiger could escape and wander in a populated area is a clear indicator of negligence. This incident is not just about the tiger's escape; it also highlights the broader issue of how wild animals are treated in captivity.

The distressing reality is that zoos, such as Quinta La Fauna, often prioritize entertainment and profit over animal welfare. This particular zoo has faced criticism in the past regarding its care for exotic animals. Allowing a tiger to escape and putting him - and the surrounding community - in danger is unacceptable and should not be overlooked.

Authorities with the Mexican government are evaluating the tiger right now to decide if he will be rehoused at a wildlife sanctuary, or sent back to a zoo. We must act now to ensure that this tiger is placed in a reputable sanctuary where he can receive the care he deserves, away from facilities that have demonstrated a lack of accountability and safety. 

Sign this petition to demand that the tiger be sent to a reputable sanctuary where he can live out the rest of his days freely and safely! Wild animals should be treated with respect and compassion, not as mere attractions for profit. 
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