Kivu is an 18 year old lion who was kept under terrible conditions in Costa Rica's only zoo, Simon Bolivar. Since the end of the 90's, he had only known one home, a 70 square meter area that he used to share with his companion, lioness Kariba.
He was born in captivity at La Habana Zoo in Cuba. The zoo donated the cub and his partner Kariba to the Simon Bolivar Zoo in 1999. Kariba died of cancer in 2011. Kivu’s conditions at the zoo were criticized for years, with a crescendo of opposition to his confinement last year when he was visibly ill. Two months ago, he was moved to his new home in the Zoo Ave facilities in La Garita, Alajuela.
His new home is just another form of Hell. Now, Kivu's new home is a 300-square-meter (some 3,300 square feet) area away from visitors surrounded by chopped trees and metal fences covered with privacy screens. After only two months, Kivu is visibly depressed since he can only stare at fences all day long and now he is not eating at all, he is only drinking water. All his life, he has seen people and that did not affect his health! Now, he can only stare at fences 24/7!! He has NO COMPANY!
Today (February 14th) the Ministry of the Environment (MINAE), SENASA, National University of Costa Rica and ZooAve have decided an easy way out of the problem: to euthanize this poor lion within days without giving it a more humane solution. I am not an wildlife expert, but this lion is sick of being isolated!!!! Kivu needs to have therapeutic visual access to the public, it needs to be fed the same meals he was used to!
He has suffered enough! Please sign this petition to stop this cruel solution!!! Kivu's days are counted! Let's give Kivu another chance of living!!! Let's open his prison cell!!! If Zooave does not know how to take proper care of Kivu, let him be taken to a proper feline sanctuary elsewhere! Your signature can make a positive chance in Costa Rica's animal welfare! With God and your help, we can SAVE HIM! Thank You All! Blessings!! Please SHARE!!!!
Atualização #38 anos atrás
Hi Everybody! Please keep sharing! Remember to add Kivu in your prayers, it is KEY for his survival that HE STARTS EATING AGAIN! PRAY FOR THAT! Thank You! I am still sending rescue petitions everywhere! If you can join me, please do so!!!
Atualização #28 anos atrás
Today, SENASA, ZOOAVE and MINAE will decide the date for this atrocity!!! I have sent a letter to Animal Defenders International reporting this issue! Please share!!! Kivu needs you guys! Whatever you can come up with for saving him, if it is writing to Senasa, Zooave or any international animal welfare sites, please do so!!! Thank You all for signing! Keep doing so! They are planning to murder him! Help him God!
Atualização #18 anos atrás
Important. Please keep sharing this petition for Kivu. Urgent for signatures. Thank you!