Stop the disappearance of the Madagascar Fish Eagle

  • por: Ismail A & Patricia Losch
  • destinatário: Madagascar Ministry of Environment, Water, Forests & Tourism,Minister: Harrison Randriarimanana , to enact law to ensure more protection for the Eagles nests and prohibit hunting them

The Madagascar Fish Eagle is the largest raptor in its habitat. These eagles have always been living in small populations and are now listed on the IUCN Red List as critically Endangered and on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES). The Madagascar Fish Eagle´s current population according to newest research counts about 120 breeding pairs and is decreasing.

The main threat for this rare eagles is the land development and deforestation  over fishing  persecution to steal the eggs and shooting the adults and the use of the eagle body in traditional medicine.


This petition it's not about this rare eagle is about every other animal that humans greedy acts and unresponsible lead them to the extinction as alot of other animal's which already extinct ,if we can't stop this now or at least make the world aware of the consequences  of this acts this massacre will continue till we become on the extinct edge 

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