Save the Staten Island Turkeys

  • por: Megan Drake
  • destinatário: Rosanne Gaylor, Executive Director, South Beach Psychiatric Center, and Karin A. Wagner, Ph.D. Deputy Director, Community Services

This flock of turkeys has been living on the grounds of South Beach Psychiatric Center aince 1999.  Now, as the flock increased in numbers the hospital wants to deal with the problem of turkey feces on the campus by killing them.

Tell South Beach Psuchiatric Center administration killing is not a first line action.  Please sit down with concerned citizens and discuss non-lethal methods of controlling the turkey population instead.

TO: Rosanne Gaylor, Executive Director, South Beach Psychiatric Center, and Karin A. Wagner, Ph.D. Deputy Director, Community Services

We respectfully request you explore ways of dealing with the turkey problem at South Beach Psychiatric Center that do not include killing ofthe flock.

The Staten Island turkeys have lived on the grounds of South Beach Psychiatric Center since 1999.  There are more effective, non-lethal ways of dealing with unwanted flocks. 

Contracting with USDA to kill the turkeys should not be a first line response.

Please open up dialogue with commuinity members and animal activists to discuss non-lethal ways of dealing with the flock.  Egg addling is but one option. 

Thank you for youir consideration.

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