Senator Todd Young Town Hall Meeting Request

Constituents of Senator Todd Young, (R) Indiana, would like to request a town hall meeting to discuss a variety of issues including:

-the executive orders of the Trump administration
-Senator Young's goals for assisting and advancing Indiana for all Hoosiers during his term
-Senator Young's logic and arguments for affirming controversial cabinet appointment Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education

Senator Young has been largely unavailable via telephone, mail, and electronic messaging. A town hall meeting would grant him the opportunity to communicate with his constituents in larger numbers, and would grant us the opportunity to clearly understand his positions and to voice our own concerns.

Senator Young,

Your constituents have been unable to reach you via phone, mail, and electronic messaging. Many are frustrated with your lack of availability and absent responses. We would like to formally request a town hall meeting, centrally located, within Indiana, to hear your thoughts on current political events, and to ask questions regarding your stance on a variety of issues. Since you will be returning from DC in the next few weeks, we would like to schedule this meeting as soon as possible. 

Thank you,

Residents of Indiana

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Senator Young still hasn't scheduled a town hall meeting with us, so it's time to ramp things up! Find out how at the Care2 Town Hall Strategy Call on Tuesday, March 7th at 3pm ET/12pm PT. Just dial 641-715-3580 and enter the access code: 261-371. The call will lay out everything you need to know about how to pressure members of Congress to hold town hall meetings during the upcoming March 16th recess.
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