Welcome to new Care2 gift Biometric Smartcard

  • por: ctim
  • destinatário: everyone access Care2 & Care members
After three months launching the petition:


Now 5,000 butterfly credits, provide biometric smartcard

about the need

Throughout the developing world, people are excluded from access to financial services by barriers like meager, unsteady income; illiteracy; gender bias; expensive transportation and geographic isolation. Opportunity International uses innovative technology to reduce transaction costs and effectively bring microfinance services to the most marginalized and geographically remote people. Opportunity client Fanny Mazda (pictured left) shows off her Opportunity "smart card" at her vegetable stand in Mulanje, Malawi. Her Opportunity smart card contains a chip embedded with her fingerprint. Opportunity International uses biometric fingerprint technology to provide secure access for clients, especially women, some of whom may be illiterate or lack formal identification. No one else—not even her spouse or his relatives—can use her account, giving her control over her own finances.

about this gift

The donation of 5,000 Butterfly credits provides women like Fanny Mazda with a biometric smart card, providing her with identification and secure access to life-changing financial services from Opportunity International.

about Opportunity International

Opportunity International provides savings, small business loans, insurance and training to more than 2.5 million people working their way out of poverty in the developing world. Clients in over 20 countries use these financial services to start or expand a business, provide for their families, create jobs for their neighbors and build a safety net for the future.
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