Urge City Council To Pass Tethering Ordinances

Recently, Alexandria City Council passed an ordinance prohibiting people from tethering their dogs for more than three consecutive hours in a 24 hour period.  In this petition, I am asking for more City Council's to pass ordinances like this.  This is a vital issue since some people leave their dogs to suffer at the ends of short chains for day, weeks, or even months.  After so much time in confinement, many of these dogs become aggressive.  By passing and enforcing tethering laws, authorities can help protect dogs and public safety.  According to a 1994 study by The Center For Disease Control and Prevention, chained dogs are 2.8 times more likely to attack than dogs who are not tethered.  Please sign this petition urging officials to pass tethering ordinances.
We the undersigned are urging you to pass ordinances in your city prohibiting the tethering of dogs for long periods of time.  Alexandria City Council just passed an ordinance and this petition urges you to do the same.  Since research has shown that tethered dogs tend to be more aggressive, by passing and enforcing tethering laws, authorities can help protect dogs and public safety.  Thank you so much for you time in this matter and for reading this letter.  We look forward to action in the future and hope this matter is taken seriously.  Thank you again.
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