Thanks Girl Scouts! This Year I'm Eating Thin Mints for Equal Rights

Recently when a transgender child tried to join her local Girl Scout troop, she was excluded, despite identifying as a girl. Thankfully, Girl Scouts of America came out with a response saying "Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization and we accept all girls in Kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout."

Girl Scout of America's statement is exactly what (often at risk) LGBT children need to hear to know it really does get better. 

Unfortunately, bigoted people have responded to Girl Scouts of America's statement with prejudice and suggestions of boycotting the cookies. 

Fight the boycotts and show Girl Scouts of America just how much support there is for equal rights for LGBT kids. Buy as many thin mints as you want this year and report back on just how many boxes of cookies you're eating for equality. 
Dear Girl Scouts of America,

Thank you for standing up for equality, LGBT rights, and the right of every girl to have a welcoming, supportive community behind them. Please ignore any bigoted people threatening the boycot cookies sales this year. Those of us who know how important it is for ALL kids to feel loved and supported will eat enough thin mints for everyone. 
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