Tell Zoo- Don't Sell Lion Cubs to Circus!

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: Darling Downs Zoo, Queensland, Australia- owners Steve and Stephanie Robinson

Spike and Spot, two lion cubs born in captivity at Darling Downs Zoo in Queensland, Australia, may soon be sold to an Australian travelling circus. The two young lions will spend the rest of their lives on the road in a small, barren enclosure with no opportunity whatsoever to express their natural behaviour.

The mission statement of Darling Downs Zoo includes promoting an appreciation and respect for animals and highlights the need for them to be housed in appropriate social groupings and habitats. There is no more abnormal environment for an exotic animal than a travelling circus, nor do circuses play any meaningful role in education or conservation.

The world's only scientific review on the welfare of exotic animals in circuses,  by the University of Bristol in the UK, confirms that it is impossible to satisfy the behavioural and welfare needs of exotic animals in travelling circuses.

{scientific review on the welfare of exotic animals in circuses }.

Don't sell the lion cubs to a circus.

SOURCE and Additional Petition:

Steve and Stephanie Robinson

Darling Downs Zoo

Gatton-Clifton Road
Corner of Baines Road
Clifton, Queensland 4361

Phone: 07 4696 4107
Fax: 07 4696 4112



Spike and Spot, two lion cubs born in captivity at Darling Downs Zoo in Queensland, Australia, may soon be sold to an Australian travelling circus. The two young lions will spend the rest of their lives on the road in a small, barren enclosure with no opportunity whatsoever to express their natural behaviour.

The mission statement of Darling Downs Zoo includes promoting an appreciation and respect for animals and highlights the need for them to be housed in appropriate social groupings and habitats. There is no more abnormal environment for an exotic animal than a travelling circus, nor do circuses play any meaningful role in education or conservation.

The world's only scientific review on the welfare of exotic animals in circuses,  by the University of Bristol in the UK, confirms that it is impossible to satisfy the behavioural and welfare needs of exotic animals in travelling circuses.

{scientific review on the welfare of exotic animals in circuses }.

Don't sell the lion cubs to a circus.

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