Keep VBACs at West Houston Medical Center

  • por: Becky Barton
  • destinatário: Todd Caliva, CEO, West Houston Medical Center
West Houston Medical Center is considering implementing a ban on VBACs (vaginal birth after ceserean). Having recently had a VBAC at this facility, I am greatly disappointed that such an option may not be available to other women in the future. Studies have shown that VBAC offers better outcomes and lower risks for both mother and baby than having a repeat cesarean. While I do not know what has led WHMC to consider such a ban, I am concerned that decisions to ban VBACs are often based more on financial incentive and convenience for the hospital and its attending physicians rather than what is in the best interests of its patients.

I do not think it is acceptable that women would be forced to undergo surgery they do not want or need and I think it is unconscionable when any medical care decision is based on anything other than what is in the best interests of the patient.

West Houston Medical Center states on it's Birthing Center website ( that their "philosophy is one of listening to the wants and needs of an informed and forward-thinking community" and as such,  I intend to present this petition so they DO listen to their community.

Thank you for your support.
Further to our meeting on November 4, 2007 we are very pleased to hear that West Houston Medical Center wil continue to welcome women wishing to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).  We can only hope that the obstetricians attending at your facliity will offer this important option to women in their care.

Below is a petition expressing the views of the public regarding this issue, many of whom are part of your local community.

The petition was initially started when rumor of a VBAC ban at WHMC was first circulated. Although this is no longer an issue, I still feel it very important that you still read these signatures and comments.

Please do not limit women's choice for childbirth, instead continue your current excellent work.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this important matter.
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