Ban Fur Industry in Denmark

Negligence is a widespread tendency in Danish mink and fox farms!

Denmark's major newspaper Ekstra Bladet, activists from the Animal Organization ANIMA and Danish TV2 has revealed unimaginable cruelty of mink and fox farms in Denmark.

Here are some examples:

A fox with three legs that are lagging around the grill. A fox with a mouth full of abscesses. More mink with lamb hind leg, which can not move. A whole raft of mink with open flesh wounds.

The animals are neglected in the Danish fur industry, which is one billion business and one of Denmark's major export successes.

We want immediate ban on Denmark's fur industry!
Dear Mr President
I am writing today with an urgent request to implement an immediate ban on Denmark's fur production. Fur production is an inherently vicious and cruel industry, subjecting animals to some of the most exploitative, painful, and agonizing conditions. As has been established by the fur farm documentary "Operation X", animals perpetually suffer from painful diseases and neglect; as a final obscenity, they are killed in reprehensible manners including gassing, anal electrocution, and skinning alive, selected to maintain pelt quality. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that any adopted welfare protocols are extraordinarily inadequate, and, as has been demonstrated, are too often ignored due to their cost-prohibitive nature as defined by fur farm owners.
Although corporations employ glossy portraits and energetic runway demonstrations meant to cultivate appeals to vanity or luxury, their actions can no longer be dismissed as justifiable financial strategies. In fact, an ever-growing collective of people are taking a stand against the international fur industry, and contrary to the illusions the fur industry perpetrates, its tools include documented footage, such as indicated above, and photographic proof, evidence that cannot be disregarded.
It is difficult to contemplate supporting any country, via tourism or commerce, that excuses such blatant animal cruelty; financial gain at the expense of empathy towards sentient beings bears no justification: indeed, our shared histories have witnessed significant inequities and judicial sacrifices in the name of profit and greed that today are considered gross offenses. An increasing number of countries are therefore listening to a concerned and attentive population that refuses to be complicit in the inherently malicious industry of fur farming and are taking progressive steps to ban such an uncivilized practice; countries such as Ireland, Italy, and France are all actively engaged in the discontinuation of fur farming.
I hope this letter finds you willing to scrutinize your own involvement in the exploitation of animals and your desire to therefore protect, rather than harm, them. Please make the ethical decision to support an immediate ban on Denmark's fur industry.
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