Save Mary Help of Christians School

Mary Help of Christians School needs your help.  We have organized a Save Our School Committee who is working very hard to keep Catholic education and the goals of MHC alive.  Please help us to continue our campaign to save MHC by signing the following petition.

The goal of this petition is to raise support for keeping the school open.  Many posts are going off this path, that was never the intention here.  We are interested in hearing your positive experiences and memories of the school.  If you have other information that you feel would be beneficial of our goal in saving the school, please email us at  All information is kept confidential unless you authorize us to release information.

Thank you all for your support, please, let's not lose focus of this effort.

Signatures that are left anonymously and are not for the focus of this effort (saving the school) will be deleted. 

As a parent and/or citizen of the community, I am concerned about the decline of MHC School.  I see the school as an asset to our community and a priceless education for our children.  I fully support the efforts of the Save Our School Committee.  MHC must be saved.

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