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Florida Teacher Says Obama%u2019s %u201CCHANGE%u201D Is Acronym That Includes %u201CN%u201D Word

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A Marianna middle-school teacher has been suspended for 10 days without pay after he wrote a racially charged interpretation of a commonly used phrase in the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama.

While some parents and community activists were outraged by the actions of Greg Howard, Jackson County NAACP officials want to gather more facts before the group considers taking action. But some parents feel Howard should be fired.

Larry Moore, deputy superintendent for the Jackson County School District, said school officials determined Howard wrote an acronym with an explanation on a dry-erase board in his class Sept. 26 at Marianna Middle School.

It said, "C.H.A.N.G.E. %u2014 Come Help A (N-word) Get Elected.

According to parents and students in Greg Howard%u2019s seventh-grade social studies class, Howard on Friday, Sept. 26 asked the class a question regarding Obama%u2019s call for change, and proceeded to write out what the letters C-H-A-N-G-E stood for.

%u201CShe told me that he wrote on the board %u2018Can You Help A (expletive) Get Elected, and then laughed about it,%u201D said Shelia Christian, a mother of one of Howard%u2019s students.

Jackson County Superintendent Danny Sims said that description of this incident was %u201Cpretty accurate.

Sims said Howard apparently repeated the action in more than one class, having made the comment in %u201Ca couple of periods.

Oh yeah, if you listen to conservatves we have all these liberals in our school system infecting childrens%u2019 minds with their left-wing agendas.

http://www. alan. com/2008/10/05/florida-teacher-says-obamas-change-is-acronym-that-includes-n-word/

TO CONTACT THE Jackson County School Board, CLICK HERE:

www. jcsb. org

TO CONTACT THE Marianna Middle School, CLICK HERE:

http://do3. jcsb. org/schools/MMS/index. htm

Marianna Middle School
Gayle Westbrook, Principal
4144 South Street
Marianna, FL 32448
We the undersigned demand the immediate removal and termination of Marianna Middle School teacher Greg Howard.  We also request that  his teaching credentials be revoked so that he may never again teach class in any Florida county or any other State.  His  inappropiate racial views which he attempted to poison his students minds with is a disgrace to the Jackson County School Board and to the Marianna Middle School.
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