Rape is Not a Game for Entertainment or Points!

A Japanese video game has been released in whose main premise is raping women. According to one video game review site, "RapeLay is a molestation simulation that allows you to terrorize a woman and her two teenage daughters, with events ranging from groping on a train to gang rape and forced abortions."

Due to public outrage, Amazon.com and Overstock.com have both already pulled this game from their marketplace. But RapeLay has made its way to the international market by other means. Tell the game's producer, Illusion Software, that turning real-world violence against women into a game is not acceptable!

For a more detailed background on this issue, see: http://www.care2.com/causes/womens-rights/blog/rape-just-a-click-away/
As a member of the global economy, I am writing to express my extreme opposition to your product titled "RapeLay." This game trivializes gender-based violence that far too many women face. And as a taboo subject in Japan, rape in particular is a severely under-reported crime that can leave life-long damage.  

As a creator of entertainment products, Illusion Software has an opportunity - and indeed a responsibility - to prevent similar games from entering the global market in the future. Therefore I implore you not to produce any video games that promote violence against women in the future.

[Your comments here]

Unfortunately, in this age of Internet sharing, the availability of this game outside of Japan is inevitable. So again I ask your company to not produce future versions of RapeLay or similarly sexually violent games.
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