Outlaw International Transport of Horses for Human Food

There are no facilities in the United States that process horses into food for people-  however, tens of thousands of American horses are still trucked into Canada and Mexico every year to be processed into food.

Congress has been considering outlawing the international transport of horses for slaughter (for human consumption). Different bills that would achieve this have come and gone, and even though each one has had strong bipartisan support, none have ever made it to the finish line and become law.

Ask House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to allow H.R. 503, the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act, to be voted on by the full House of Representatives.

House of Representatives

Nancy Pelosi

Office of the Speaker
H-232, US Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
phone: (202) 225-0100

e-mail: http://www.speaker.gov/contact/

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