International Adoption Reform

Millions upon millions of children in the world today are orphaned or abandoned. Meanwhile there are families who would adopt them, but are turned away by a system that is broken, a system that has become delay-ridden, bureaucratic, expensive and discriminatory.

In many countries, international adoption programs are shutting down, condemning generations of children to wrongful detainment in desperate orphanages, dangerous tent cities, unhealthful refugee camps, or homelessness.

Both Ends Burning is a movement to create a new system of international adoption so that the world's orphaned and abandoned children can benefit from the support of a permanent family.

Watch our video, sign the petition, and share it with your friends and family! For more information and ways to get involved, visit our website

I believe a child's most basic human right is the right to grow up in a loving family. For many children, international adoption represents their only chance at a family. Barriers and delays in the current system deprive children of this most important right. I call on leaders and governments to work for an international adoption system that truly serves the needs of orphaned and abandoned children.

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