Susan Knipps, is accused of conspiracy to orchestrate in, a possible murder for hire, as she committed fraud, perjury, judicial misconduct as a administrative law judge for the corporation called New York City Family Court division of New York City's Unified Court System, as an officer of the fore mention, she stands in subordination of U.S. 28 Title 454, by the unlawfully practicing law from the bench, by appointing law guardians, social workers, case workers, making medical appointments, etc, for allege children of Ms. Williams, whose is not a member of or under the jurisdiction of the Family Court, the New York Police Department, or an alleged agency called (ACS) The Administration for Children Services.

Susan Knipps is a named defendant in on going case( 06cv0469,(DAB) which is being deliberately held in abeyance (another illegal act)  since July 07 to date, by New York Southern District Judge, Deborah Batts and crew.  

Susan Knipps has been sued in her public and private capacity. She failed to answer the summons and complaint in accord with Federal Rules and laws that govern civil due process.  She like others in her position,  do feel above the laws and above natural persons.

Instead, Susan Knipps, diligently, deliberately, and spinelessly, continued to retaliated against Ms. Williams rights to redress, by tampering with witnesses, using threats of violence and intimidation, against the children of Ms. Williams, well after being sued in her official and private capacity,  This Thug, issued several Orders to have a army of armed, body armored police officers, equipped with, riot helmets, teasers, pepper spray, batons, nine mm hand guns, handcuffs,  and door raming equipment, to force numerous illegal entries to Ms. Williams apartment,  at one point the police changed the apartment door locks, as such did abused her judicial power, to issue a number ofl all purpose warrants against natural private persons, disregard her oath to the Constitution which governs their oath of office, which is  a permanent injunction against this thug defendant from doing so, pursuant to the Bill of Rights, 4th amendment for the Constitution for the United States. Three (3) bogus warrants, were entitled general all purpose warrants as retaliatory instruments, to physically arrest Ms. Williams, to forcibly transport unidentified minors from Ms. Williams apartment, to force a unsolicited, cardio medical evaluations.  Susan Knipps thug actions, were meant to deprive Ms. Williams rights and liberties, in the raising and decision making of her family and cause fear on invited guest to this location. 

 Susan Knipps knowingly ordered the police to use force, which may have caused harm or death, to any natural person, at this location. Susan Knipps intentionally, and diligently to engage in the prosecution of a phantom child abuse and neglect case,  of imminent danger for THREE YEARS(3),  to force unwarranted, unnecessary medical evaluations and treatments.  This illegal retaliation also violates, patients Bill Of Rights (HHIP), done to invoke, intimidation and fear, in order to silence the civil lawsuit against her. 

Susan Knipps actions violated U.S. Code Title 42 sect 1983, which she is not free from civil liabilities when her conduct, constitutes judicial misconduct.

Susan Knipps. believes that she is not a public servant but the Queen Mother of all Mothers, Men and Women. NOT!.

It great to find she been demoted,  now Susan Knipps needs to be arrested and jailed for her crimes against children and their parents.

United States Department of Justice, Special Interest Groups on Human Rights and Liberties:

We the undersign, want to bring  attention to you and yours, of the criminal actions of this alleged trusted public servant Susan Knipps, who has abuse her office by retailing against anyone who does not commit to her agenda in separating families and dares to challenge her authority of mitigating bogus child abuse cases, to secure federal funds to solidify her status among her cronies as a administrative family court judge for the City of New York.

Please read what as happen to our family, through public documented information, we are not the only ones Susan Knipps has done this too.  If it was not for the internet, not as many people would hear our horror story!  Susan K. Knipps actions against us are not judicial errors, but criminal, she needs to be dealt with just as criminals are dealt with. 

Mothers, Dads, Brothers and Sisters, I thought slavery was over, but Kathleen Wolters an ACS attorney, and New York City family court judge Susan Knipps, issued a order to break into my apartment by 10 New York City Police officers while I was sleeping on about Friday February 2, 2006 10:30am to kidnap my 16yr old son, to force him to go to a doctor they picked to take blood and do test because a doctor in May of 2005 lied and said he is in imminent danger, that my son is suffering from a heart mummer , those of you may know for the last 9 months I have been battling ACS over this lie and the judge has been sue in Federal court, the district court is blocking the defaults against the 14 defendants which I file for appeal, Adel Benjamin another appointed ACS dummy call a ambulance and the fire department, but they never administered any medical attention to my son or me, Instead the police search my son and put him in a police van and took him to court they also took my daughter two weeks from being 18 yrs old, who never did anything, It is obvious that this is a major conspiracy. I now do be live that someone is trying to kill my son and me!! 14 persons have been sue over this including the judge who is not happy, they are all trying to take my son and make a example of me to protect themselves, no notice of any hearings, they just broke into my apartment and seized my son and me, the last time I saw my son was in court, the court appointed another set of lawyers for my son, they reuse to fight for my son Lawyers for Children "Hal Silverman" who insisted to my son to take whatever test the judge orders the doctor to go along with another man I never meet or hired for my son as a LCSW" Allen Halpin", they are suppose protect children but they are participating in trying to protecting this cover-up! Now they are claiming that my son is not in their care ! My son is missing from their custody, Mr. Robert Deadman is appoint without my consent to represent me in June 2005, he put a motion to be recused himself upon my insistence in Nov 2005, this past Friday he again informed the judge he wanted to be recused, judge Susan Knipps refuse his request. so he informed the court he would remain mute! I need whatever help that is out there to find a new place to stay until this is over, whatever donations, or legal info, I have tried everything they have been sue in Federal court and are not at all caring this, judge Susan Knipps put it on the record that she has no jurisdiction over me but she has it over my son , when asked to show me her proof she remained mute, Knowing she has no jurisdiction over me or my son. she made an order to have my apartment broken into by any means possible. this woman has it in for me knowing she breaking the law. She is a defendant in the law suit and she is using her power to have me killed. I have suffered two heart attacks. this judge told the court if I fail to allow ACS to contact my son I will suffer the heartache, there is more to this story...... but right now I can't put it all on here Also my son is scared of this judge, so he refuses to talk to her or anyone he does not know, his sister is afraid of coming home not knowing who is going to kick the apartment door in on judge Knipps order, whose only interest is to show FORCE, to show my son and me that I cannot and will not be permitted to protect him.

Thank you, Please pass this petition along!

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