No Development on Chappies

  • por: R Gerdzen
  • destinatário: Western Cape Provincial Government - Murray & Roberts - Entilini

Say NO to the the R54m luxury office block development on Chapman’s Peak Drive.

No more free access for picnics and walks 

Unnecessary office block for toll company   

Half paid for by the Province, over 25 million of our money

Part of Table Mountain National Park to be given away free   

Spoiling natural beauty and ecology forever  

For more info have a look at:

UPDATE: On Friday 9th March the Residents’ Association of Hout Bay applied for an urgent interdict to immediately stop construction on the site. This urgent application was unfortunately denied on a procedural point. HOWEVER the main legal case is still to be heard next month (April).

Please consider helping us by making a financial donation towards a legal fund established specifically for the purpose of legally stopping construction of the proposed inappropriate luxury office block and so saving Chappies for us and future generations.

The fund is administered by Environmental specialist attorneys Cullinan and Associates and contributions should be paid into the following account:

Standard Bank

Account name: Cullinan & Associates Inc. Trust Account

Account no: 070223149

Branch code: 020009

Reference: Chapman’s Peak (Very important to insert this)

Please send proof of payment with your name and contact details to: Keith at

or at Fax 021 790 3839

More about this fund, as well as a downloadable letter, can be found at:

I am opposed to any further developments on Chapmans Peak Drive.
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