Support the Ban on Aerial Spraying in Davao City

  • por: Dirty Bananas Campaign
  • destinatário: Residents of Davao and adjacent areas; solidarity groups and individuals
Uphold the ban aerial spray ordinance in Davao!  Respect people's right to health and a healthy environment!  Uphold the power of local governments to protect public welfare!
WHEREAS, aerial spraying is a type of pesticide application using an agricultural aircraft in the spraying of crops, with the corresponding spray drift reaching up to three kilometers or more from the treatment site thereby contaminating soil, open bodies of water, non-target crops, animals and human inhabitants in the process;

WHEREAS, aerial spraying is just but one of several modes of applying pesticides in banana plantations to control sigatoka virus, the other modes being  boom spray, ground spraying using tractor or knapsack spray;

WHEREAS, the City Government of Davao appropriately acted on the issue by courageously enacting an ordinance that bans the said mode of pesticide application in the City and thus following the course taken by the provincial government of Bukidnon and North Cotabato banning aerial spraying in their provinces;

WHEREAS, as the said legislation is being challenged in courts, we laud and support the City Government of Davao and its constituents for taking a bold stand in protecting the health and environment of Dabawenyos from the ill effects of the said injudicious method of pesticide application;

WHEREAS, a reversal of the ban would undermine people's human right to health and a healthy environment;

WHEREAS, a reversal of the ban would weaken local government power to enact laws for the protection of public welfare;

THEREFORE WE, active citizens are one in saying: Uphold the ban aerial spray ordinance in Davao!  Respect people's right to health and a healthy environment!  Uphold the power of local governments to protect public welfare!
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