Impeach Bush Now

  • por: Emily White
  • destinatário: United States Congress
This is a petition to speak as one voice and to demard the so far unheard outcry against President George Bush. He has made a mockery of a once great nation. He has slandered the consititution and desecrated the foundation upon which we stand.
Let this be the first step in raising your voice against the wrongs being commited and a stumbling block in the path of rampant fascism.
The time has come to impeach the illegitimate 43rd president.
We the undersigned believe that the time has come to stop idly wagging a finger at the civil rights violations, war mongering, and violations of the constitution. It is time to take action and to speak out against a government few support. For the sake of the nation vote to impeach President Bush.
Thank you for your time, and for the love of the country and all of its people, please do the right thing.
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