Give Homeschoolers Constitutional Rights Back!

In Pennsylvania, and some other states, homeschoolers have to give a portfolio of their children's work to the school superintendent for his approval. This violates multiple amendments and constitutional rights! Including freedom of privacy and unlawful seizure (amendment's 14 and 4) for everyone who is complying. Freedom of religion is violated (first amendment) for the families that feel God doesn't want them to get government approval for their child's upbringing. For more information you can watch a video we made on youtube that describes the freedom of religion part of it.

Our family is dealing with this issue RIGHT NOW! Click here to learn more. Please sign this petition and forward it to as many people as possible before we go to court! WE NEED YOU! WE CAN'T DO THIS ALONE!

The superintendent of our local school district has filed "truancy" charges against us and called Children and Youth on us... I feel I am being harassed because his motions have been  so swift. He wrote us a letter in which he said "...a parent does not have the right to keep a child home and educate them how they see fit." Please contact him and let him know that parents do have rights!
Frank McClard Superintendent
(724)376-7911 x225
(724)376 7910 fax (I *think* this email address should get to the school)
2482 Mercer Street
Stoneboro, Pa 16153

If you want to contact the magistrate his information is-
David L. Fish
574 Barkeyville Rd
Grove City, Pa 16127
Parents should have the right to raise their children without government interference. Making homeschoolers comply with act 169 is taking away our rights and we want them back! This law makes us violate multiply amendments and is totally unconstitutional! The signers of this petition want you to hear our voices and choose to give us our rights back.

Thank you in advance for hearing our voices.
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