City of Danville
Police Department
427 Patton St.
Danville, VA 24541
Phone: (434) 799-6510
Email: We find it truly despicable that you would back up Officer McLean's decision to fatally shoot such a small and OLD dog just because the dog was barking at him! Do you have any comprehension of the psychological damage this family, especially the children, will endure?
How can you possible determine, in all good conscience, that Officer McLean's cruel and hasty action was justified because he felt threatened by such a small old dog? He says "because he was barking at me". A dog that age and size, and especially considering the breed, even if he lunged at him couldn't even reach mid calf! There WERE other options that could have been made, but to "save face", you refuse to hold this Officer, your department, accountable for such a drastic and callous act.
Possible rabies is out of the question since I can produce records from the CDC that hasn't had a case reported of anyone being bitten by a rabid dog since 2006 in the US.
I truly believe McLean is an animal hater because what he did was an act of hate, NOT fear! Any man who thinks such an old and tiny dog could do such harm to him isn't truly a man. Especially since his reasoning was
"the dog was barking at me", as he was nonchalantly standing at his vehicle, smoking a cigar after killing the poor dog! Officer Murrill McLean is just a disgrace to your department, and with all due respect, I'm finding it difficult to believe you are much better for backing his actions.
Perhaps your department should be educated on better ways to handle dogs, and find alternative methods to keep a loose dog at bay. Learn how to detect, in a split second, when dog is truly a threat, and when it isn't. It isn't rocket science!
Having laws against dogs running loose is acceptable, and I don't object to them, but excessive force to stop such a tiny old dog is no excuse for upholding your laws.
Apologies won't bring Killer back, and it won't take away the pain his family is feeling, but you CAN learn from this and educate your men and women on alternative methods other than the killing of a family dog, but IF it should mean the death of the pet, that a thorough investigation be conducted and the officers involved be suspended until it has been proven that ALL circumstances leading up to the use of excessive force was absolutely necessary and justifiable.