Highway 99 for Whistler,BC,Needs Maintenance

  • por: Lisa Haeck
  • destinatário: Local Residents and international tourists

Surely, with the highest taxes paid in British Columbia, the least we may expect are safe local roads and highways. Also, I have pondered the question as to whether we have begun to export gravel and salt to Patagonia, as the snow-ploughs appear loath to secure the highway as they have done in years gone by. Are they too lazy to drive down to the gravel pit?  Are they saving gravel for the two weeks when they expect to impress the international tourists during the Winter Olympic Games?

As matters stand, Highway 99 between Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton presents a threat to public safety and security for both local residents and international visitors.  Please sign this petition to ensure that our roads are maintained professionally so that our families will be safe. Thank you!

We, the undersigned, hereby petition the Municipality of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, and the Ministry of Tourism of British Columbia, to ensure that Highway 99 between Squamish and Pemberton is professionally maintained and ploughed so that our families and tourists may travel safely.
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