Where is Morgan? Public Demands Answers from JPJ Arena Security

Morgan Dana Harrington was abducted near or around the John Paul Jones Arena, a facility operated and maintained by The University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA.  She was there that night for a Metallica concert.  Months later, poor Morgan was discovered brutally murdered in a field on a farm in Albermale County, Virginia.  As of the moment, Law Enforcement, Virginia State Police and the FBI have no suspects of POI's in custody.

By many witness accounts, Morgan was at JPJ arena the night on October 17, 2009, and at some point ended up outside the arena.  One would think, with "state of the art" security in place, Ms. Harrington would have been captured on security video.  Both the venue and law enforcement have told the public that there is no video of Ms. Harrington from the evening of October 17th. 

We seek two outcomes for this petition:
1 - Explain why in such a state of the art facility there alledgedly is no video of Morgan Harrington.
2 - We request they (JPJ/UVA) release all the video from that night to the general public so we can view it and verify there is none of Morgan.

Thank you for your  help.
We, the below, are concerned citizens, family and friends of Morgan Dana Harrington.  The John Paul Jones arena and surrounding streets are the last places poor Morgan was ever seen alive.  Many of us are stunned that no video has been found or released of Morgan at your arena.  We seek answers as to why.  If you insist there is no video, please allow the public a chance to view it.  The more people who see your footage, the better chance we have at finding more answers in the case of Morgan's tragic disappearance and murder. 

Sir or Madam, there is a dangerous, mad and vicious killer in your community.  We only ask that you help us in providing as much information as you can to the public.  By not offering an explanation, you are not letting us down.  You are letting Morgan down.  You are letting her family down.  Most importantly, you are allowing more and more days to pass with a killer on the streets, thinking he has gotten away with this horrific act.

I hope you see our signatures below and realize that we are passionate individuals, not here to stir up trouble but to try to help.  We do not blame your venue.  We do not wish ill on your staff who followed protocol and enforced your no re-entry rule.  We simply seek justice in Morgan's case, and hope that you will help in every way you can.

Our goals:
-To be offered an explanation as to how your state-of-the-art security system failed to capture a young woman who entered, exited, and wandered the grounds of your arena.
-To be offered an explanation of what sort of equipment your venue uses to help secure the grounds and keep your guests safe.
-If at all possible, we wish to help.  Please release the video you have from 10/17/2009 -- at the very least, let The Harrington family view the video, for their own peace of mind.  Morgan is their daughter and they deserve answers. 

Please let us help you.  Let us HELP FIND MORGAN.

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