Gulf oilspill we have the solution!!! guaranteed!!

The united states government and bp oil have been trying to put a cap on this leak over and over with little to no success, isnt it about time a real solution was brought in?? We have never failed to stop a leak and we have had the solution all along for weeks trying to land the repair job, we need the support of the people and not later but now!! the longer this is allowed to play out the more harm it will cause so help us get through to them and have us out there, we can have it done in a few weeks. We really need the support so we can get out there and bring in results, no messing around, no greedy attempts to draw what we can from it, just pure results. We have a method that will solve this delima guaranteed we just need the oppertunity to put our promise into actions and results. please in you need anything contact us at
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