Give Ray Winder Field to the Little Rock Zoo

Please sign this petition and join us as we ask the City of Little Rock and the State of Arkansas to give Ray Winder Field to the Little Rock Zoo for the purposes of exhibit expansion. 

We, the signers of this petition, support the proposal submitted by the Arkansas Zoological Foundation to the City of Little Rock on Dec. 1, 2008 for the enhanced re-use of Ray Winder Field. 

In this proposal the Arkansas Zoological Foundation develops Ray Winder Field and surrounding areas into an extension of the Little Rock Zoo's Asia exhibit.  This exciting new multi-species exhibit will help revitalize Little Rock, send excitement throughout the community, inject additional dollars into our local economy, conserve endangered wildlife, and provide a meaningful recreational experience to the public. 

We ask leaders of the City of Little Rock and the State of Arkansas to give Ray Winder Field to the Little Rock Zoo for the purposes of developing this awesome and amazing exhibit.  As one of the largest tourist attractions in central Arkansas, the Little Rock Zoo has the opportunity to drive more tourism to the central Arkansas area and provide a quality recreational experience for families.  However, our vision will not become a reality without the support of the citizens.  Join us today in supporting the Little Rock Zoo, the local economy, wildlife conservation, and family recreation by signing this petition. 

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