Free Tashi Dondrup

chinese oppressors arrested a popular young Tibetan singer, accusing him of composing subversive songs, Times Online reported.

Tashi Dondrup was arrested yesterday afternoon while in hiding in the western city of xining, capital of Qinghai province, where he had taken refuge after the authorities banned his music, the report said.
The 30-year-old professional singer released an album titled Torture without Trace last month, the report cited sources as saying.

The album comprises 13 songs expressing nostalgia for the exiled Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama and remembering the crackdown that followed an anti-chinese unrest across Tibet in March last year.

The 5,000 CDs sold out quickly among Tibetans in the Amdo region of eastern Tibet, where Tashi Dondrup is a local star, the report said.
chinese oppressors at once banned the album.

According to the report, officials in central Henan province, where the singer is a member of the Henan Mongolian Autonomous Region Arts Troupe, issued a warrant for his arrest. The musician, the son of Tibetan farmers who was married two months ago, then fled into hiding before being arrested.
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