FREE Feather, Hubbeling, Rouse! 1994 to 2012 in Prison for NOTHING

Watch the video here: IMPORTANT: You must confirm your signature by clicking on a confirmation "prompt" - otherwise your signature will not register on the petition!!! Thank you!
Listen to the voices of the Innocent:
 Many more videos on Freedom4Yankton4 Channel 

POLITICIANS, you MUST NOT stay silent about this case: U.S. v. Desmond and Jesse Rouse, Garfield Feather, and Russell Hubbeling, four innocent men who were wrongfully convicted. The first appellate court vacated the convictions and remanded the cas...e for a NEW TRIAL. The men never got that trial, owing to prosecutorial and judicial misconduct. The case demands your attention immediately. Justice is mandatory. Political wiggling and avoidance is unacceptable. You must step forward and speak out clearly in favor of justice and fundamental fairness. The Indian Wars have allegedly been over for more than a century but we who study history are well aware that they are not . . . and particularly in South Dakota. Not to speak out for justice is cowardice, if not treason. Strong language, Yes. But necessary, Yes. Let us all hear from you.

The judicial system is very broken. It must be fixed.
There are four people who can do the job:
Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
Everybody thinks Somebody will surely do it.
It is a job Anybody can do. But Nobody is doing it.
At least I'm trying. What are you doing?


Rouse Family
PO Box 22
Wagner, 57380, SD

Open Letter to the Judiciary and Government of the United States, The President, The First Lady, The Senate, The US Attorney, Governors, Senators and Law Makers. The Media, The Press, The World.


RE: Wrongful conviction of four Yankton Sioux American Citizens -
By-products are the ongoing Civil Rights violations against 11 children and 4 families whose children were taken into care.  Both crimes against these men and children were perpetrated for personal gain, career aspirations and fuelled by racist motives.

To whom it may concern:
Dear Sir or Madam:

We are Sisters Lucricia Rouse, Jessica Rouse, Fury Rouse and Cousins Trista Rouse and Rosemary Rouse. 

We are Yankton Sioux and American Citizens.  We ask you in desperation for a meeting in person and eye to eye. We have been screaming to deaf ears for years.  We were abducted by the authorities of South Dakota for personal gain and to achieve a conviction on our four innocent family members.  Our uncles Desmond Rouse, Jesse Rouse, Garfield Feather and Russell Hubbeling have been unjustly incarcerated now for 18 years!  The Civil rights violations against us fit the UN Charter for genocide!!

We were kept behind hot wire to keep us from escaping, starved so we ate dog food, given alcohol baths, worked to exhaustion as farm hands and conditioned like Pavlov dogs for trial.  This has left a mark of immense shame on the American Justice System and the Constitution of the United States.  The Indian wars are allegedly over, but, we who study history know that they are not.  Especially in South Dakota.  We ask kindly to meet with you. We want you to hear our stories.  Our families are the victims of a crime perpetrated and furthered by the authorities.

Please stop this GREAT INJUSTICE NOW!  Political wriggling and avoidance is unacceptable. Thank you for your attention regarding this matter.


Lucritia Rouse                     ------------------------------------

Jessica Rouse                      ------------------------------------

Fury Rouse                          _______________________

Rosemary Rouse                 ------------------------------------

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