End the Creation of Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

  • por: T.S
  • destinatário: The United States Congress
Israel has illegally occupied the Palestinian territories since 1967 despite dozens of UN Resolutions calling for Israel to end the illegal occupation. UN Resolution 242 calls for complete withdrawal of the West Bank including East Jerusalem, Gaza, and the Golan Hieghts including the Shebba'a Farms. Yet Israel has instead created hundreds of illegal settlements within the occupied territories. These settlements have made peace virtually impossible. There is no possibility for a viable Palestinian state when the territory is being divided by Israeli settlers, destroy existing Palestinian housing developments, and usurp the majority of the natural resources within the territory.

The United States gives approximately 2.5 billion dollars of aid to Israel annually. The FY 2010 budget calls for an increase of aid to 2.8 billion dollars. The United States should not fund the injustice occuring in Palestine. Aid to Israel must be contingent upon the Israeli government freezing settlement creation and commit to withdrawal from the Palestinian territories.
We, the Undersigned, call for Congress to withhold appropriations in the FY 2010 budget to Israel unless Israel obeys UN Resolution 242 and commits to a settlement freeze and commitment for withdrawal from the Palestinian territories.
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