End the All White Hosting at MSNBC and NPR

MSNBC and NPR decry the tea party for a lack of diversity, though studies show the tea parties are 24% people of color, about the same as the United States population as a whole, and far more ethnically diverse than the leadership or activists of the environmental, feminist, or gay rights movements.
Yet MSNBC and NPR each have only one black host, and only for afternoon shows that have even fewer listeners or viewers than their other shows.  In addition, both networks, especially MSNBC, are infamous for having black journalists (like Eugene Robinson or Jonathan Capehart) on ONLY to comment on alleged racism of their targets.  Black people are apparently not competent, in the minds of NPR and MSNBC, to discuss international affairs, business cycle theory, energy policy, or the wide array of topics of concern to the public.
We do not expect either of these institutions to give up their partisan viewpoints and have ideological or philosophical diversity represented.  But their lack of concern for racial diversity is shocking, given their pretenses.
We call upon them to replace recently fired and suspended commentators and hosts with more people of color, and to allow them to speak on issues other than those related to race.
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