BBC: Journalism is about compassion too

Palestinian Mothers and we, the undersigned, in an expression of our dismay and disgust with the decision of the BBC, would like to put our names to the:   LETTER SIGNED BY TONY BENN, CELEBRITIES, MANY OTHERS To Sir Michael Lyons, Chairman of the BBC Trust, Mark Thompson, Director General of the BBC, Caroline Thomson, Chief Operating Officer for the BBC   The International Committee of the Red Cross say that conditions for the people of Gaza are "worse than Darfur" but the BBC refuses to allow the Disasters Emergency Committee to broadcast an appeal for aid.   We agree with Government Health Minister Ben Bradshaw, who says the reasons the BBC has given for blocking an appeal for humanitarian aid are "completely feeble" and it was "an inexplicable decision".   We urge the BBC to reconsider its decision and to contact the Disasters Emergency Committee as a matter of urgency so that its appeal can be broadcast nationally. Not to do so is to deny relief needed immediately for people suffering catastrophic and life-threatening conditions.   Tony Benn, President of Stop the War, says, "To deny the help that the aid agencies and the UN need at this moment in time is incomprehensible. I appeal to the chairman of the BBC Trust to intervene to reverse this decision to save the lives of those who are now in acute danger of dying through a lack of food, fuel, water and medical supplies."
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