Bank Fee Reform

Under current Federal Law and Regulations in the United States, Banks are allowed to punish customers with excessive over-draft fees. They often run larger debits first from accounts, take the account into the negative, then run through smaller debits, stacking excessive over-draft fees.
This is legal stealing!
Which is worse, some poor soul making an error on his or her book keeping, or Banks being allowed to take an account into the negative as far as they wish.
Besides, with so much of todays banking industry automated, do they really need all those excessive overdraft fees?
It is time the Banks are told enough is enough.
Regulations should be put in place stopping the stacking of overdraft fees, stopping Banks from running larger debits first, and stopping Banks from taking acounts into the negative with fees. Limits also need to be placed on overdraft fees (something more in line with the prime interest rate),
and Banks should not be able to increase fees once a customer has signed his customer agreement with the Bank at the time their account is open).

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